Employee Relations

When we look to define “employee relations” in the modern age, it opens up a whole new conversation. From policies through to talent and high potential programmes, there are so many different ways to approach it. Luckily, I’ve worked in and with a number of organisations where every different version of this truth has come into play.

inform, consult, negotiate

The foundations of traditional employee relations are a good starting point and foundation. When you become more familiar with a) the law and b) organisational context, you’re better informed about what to do next. In organisational change exercises, for example, you might be bound to legislation. Or, if you aren’t, you might choose to use regulations as a quantifier of the minimum you’ll do, which isn’t necessarily best practice but is certainly appropriate,

Using the inform, consult, negotiate test helps you shape both your own thinking and that of your stakeholders.


Colleague voice awareness is a critical business asset for me. The way that your people react to their work, their team, their environment and their leadership can unlock insights to drive even greater performance and success for you, for them, and for your business.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

If these three words aren’t becoming a priority within your business – they need to be. I have learnt so much about this topic in recent years. It’s incredibly important to understand both the history of diversity, equity and inclusion and how we can continue to work towards a better future for all.

Trade Unions & Work Councils

Many of the terms, conditions and benefits we enjoy today have their origins in the trade union movement – campaigns, lobbying, member-led action and willpower means we work in ever safer environments with controls in place to ensure this remains the case.

Trade unions and work councils, where they exist, should be respected and treated as part of your network of organisational scanners. They should help you to understand what’s going on in your organisation beyond what your managers are telling you.

I’ve worked with some of the best union officials, and I’ve learnt something from all of them. Treat them as an asset.


There’s no point in doing all of this hard work and not sharing it with your people. It’s vital that you utilise multiple communication channels and make them work for you and your business. Communication should be managed like a campaign – it should always say something. Focus on what’s here now, and what’s coming next.

When you engage the people in your workplace, you achieve better results.

Access Resource Library

Incorporating your people strategy into your business strategy is not a simple task, but it’s an incredibly important focus for every business.

So I’ve put together an entire library of insightful resources to help you take on the challenge.

For specific enquiries get in touch info@strategyinc.co.uk and let’s work together.